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With my knowledge and experience I can surely meet your expectations and aiming to exceed them. I offer a variety of services that can be tailored to your specific needs.

Whether as a consultant, interim manager, project manager or  advisory board member.

Find out more about the opportunities for improvement that I can make transparent for you.

I am happy to be at your disposal for an initial non binding discussion.

By phone, in person or by e-mail.

+49 (0)170 570 3343          Michael.Pielasch[at]



Expert advice and support for speedy implementation.

My customers are my top priority in efficiency-increasing projects; be it to use existing capacities more sensibly or to counteract wasted costs. It's always about preparing the ship for a rough sea. Because everyone knows how difficult it can be to steer a ship with unnecessary ballast to the protective harbor in a storm.
Solutions with EDP support or reductions in process interfaces are available for this. Find out more over the phone.


The way to excellent creditworthiness.

Measures are planned and implemented on the basis of the existing capital structure and reliable liquidity planning, the results of which are beneficial for creditworthiness and which are welcomed by banks and suppliers. This in turn leads to lower interest costs and longer payment terms in purchasing. Starting with internal potential (reduction of tied up capital -> working capital) up to the use of financing instruments (e.g. factoring, sale-and-lease-back). We are happy to discuss initial concrete solutions in a conversation.



Do you have any idea or maybe already certain that the financing of your company is not secured in the long term? A holistic approach to a sustainable corporate structure with optimal financing is required here - a tightrope walk with little reaction time.

I would be happy to advise you with absolute confidentiality on preparatory liquidity planning and subsequent restructuring measures. I am at your side with words and deeds and support you in all necessary measures, whether negotiations with the works council or supplier negotiations. Find out more in a conversation.


From moderation to mediation, I create common ground in terms of goals and, on this basis, constructive cooperation in the committee. With the least amount of time on your part, you get all the information you need as a basis for your decisions. No more and no less!

With transparency and a structured approach to meetings, I support the advisory board / group of shareholders to put the company on the road to success or to keep it there. From the preparation of the meeting to the implementation and the control of the results of decisions already made. My support always follows the principle of working together to find the best decision without fighting each other. I am at your disposal for an initial confidential exploratory discussion.

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