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Lebenslauf   IM | MP          Interim Management | Michael Pielasch


There is nothing good, unless you do it! [Erich Kaestner]

Lebenslauf: Lebenslauf


since 2020

In the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided not just to commit myself to one single company, but to offer my range of knowledge more broadly on the basis of specific projects and interim work. You can read everything in magazines and books, but the HOW only becomes relevant when you have concrete solutions. However, this aspect is usually not adequately considered in the common specialist literature:

  • HOW do I prepare a project plan?

  • HOW long should the duration of a project be?

  • HOW do I create consensus in conflicts?

  • HOW do I monitor the project progress and motivate the project staff at the same time?

  • HOW do I deal with the competing priorities between day-to-day business and project work?

This "black holes" and other "stumbling blocks" should be avoided. Consulting companies are challenged in this area, because the have to care about deployment of know-how and experience among their employees. I do not have this problem, simply because I act for my own. I offer you to use this knowledge and experience advantage for your company as quickly as possible - regardless of company size or cultural differences in case of a global company setup.

At the end every enterprise ist managed by people.

Therefore it is essential, that solutions are purely made for people.

Its about them who must accept recommendations and solutions,

in order to be convinced and to act in one direction!  



During this time, I was mostly Vice President Finance / CFO / Commercial Director in a handful of international companies. In addition to learning about different cultures (USA, Europe with its partly extreme cultural facets, Asia like China and Japan), I was able to experience a wide variety of management principles, different approaches to problem solving and dealing with individual people in these companies. From this wealth of knowledge I was able to make the best of everything my own and was able to see the consequences of my decisions and draw my conclusions from them.



Like my last professional position at the Japanese company IHI Inc., my first position at Philips in 2019 was a stroke of luck. Starting with Philips Internal Audit, I was immediately thrown into the deep end. This included projects from financial auditing as well as efficiency studies to forensic investigations.


Flanked by time-limited tasks in controlling or as CFO of a joint venture, Philips has invested time and money in me. This "investment" in me was then brought back by Philips when I was CFO of a global Philips business unit and headed the finances of the automotive division. With the sale of this business unit, we parted ways at work, but in my private life I have good contacts from this time to date.



I studied in Hamburg at the University and TU the inter-university course to become a graduate industrial engineer.

ch habe mich für dieses Studium entschieden, da mich schon in der Schule die Steuerung von Produktionsunternehmen begeisterte.

I decided on this degree because I was already enthusiastic at school about how to manage production companies. In addition, I always had a mission statement in mind that a company only functions as a whole and has to be treated that way - similar to a human body.

Head                          =    product development

Heart                          =    production

Blood circulation       =    logistic and financial processes

Blood                         =    financial resources of the shareholders

Arms and legs           =    everyone else in the workforce who keeps the whole thing alive


Sometimes this body is strong and resilient, sometimes however a therapy is required, partially this therapy is pretty gentle but partially also very painful - up to an amputation (i.e. relocation or company closue) . Dying is not excluded either! This is actually like like human beings who go to doctor, but always know that there is an end at a certain time, as late as possible of course. It is therefore our very own task to keep this body alive - as long as it makes financially sense.



The service for our country lasted 18 months. That's it, there's nothing more to say. I don't want to miss this time, however, as a very good friendship developed during that time, which is still continuing and for which I am very grateful.



Elementary school and high school in Hamburg.


At this point I would like to thank my parents, who fulfilled my wish and, contrary to the advice of a teacher, allowed me to go to the Albrecht-Thaer-Gymnasium, where years later I acquired my university entrance qualification.

Would you like more information about my experience and know-how?

Take a look at my detailed profile in the following business platforms or call me!

+49 (0)170 570 3343          Michael.Pielasch[at]

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